Mini reviews #17

Kill the Boy Band
Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky
Publisher/Year: May 19th 2016 Macmillan
Source/Format: e-arc | NetGalley
(Thanks NetGalley/Macmillan!)
Rating: 2/5
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects my opinion.

I was so disappointed with this book! Although I wasn't expecting to be mind-blown by the writing or plot, this sounded like a fun take on the classic boy band trope. Instead, I got a book that seemed to mock a whole generation of girls and twist their obsession into something that I just didn't find funny. I've never really been a fangirl, but if I was I think I'd be hurt by this portrayal. Maybe this just wasn't my type of humour but I'm sad that I didn't enjoy this book.

Unrivalled (Beautiful Idols #1)Unrivalled by Alyson Noel
Publisher/Year: May 10th 2016 MIRA Ink
Source/Format: e-arc | NetGalley
(Thanks NetGalley/MIRA Ink!)
Rating: 3.5/5
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects my opinion.

I used to love Noel's books years and years ago so I was excited to see what she was writing about now. The synopsis of this book really intrigued me and I immediately got sucked in to the world of LA nightclubs. However, I did have my issues with this book too. With books that have multiple main characters and multiple POVs, I tend to find that I either love some and hate some, or just don't become connected to any of the characters, and sadly I found the latter to be true in this case.

The Problem with Forever
The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Publisher/Year: May 31st 2016 MIRA Ink
(Thanks NetGalley/MIRA Ink!)
Rating: 3/5
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects my opinion.

Jennifer is one of those authors that I've been aware of for years, and have wanted to read a book from, but just have never gotten round to it, so I grabbed the chance to when I saw this on NetGalley. I wasn't expecting much, but I still ended up feeling a bit disappointed by the end of it. The premise isn't my favourite but I would've expected someone like Armentrout to make it entertaining, and it never was. The romance wasn't anything special at all, and it wasn't even funny at times, just sad but with no substance.


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