July 2023 Mini Reviews

 No Judgements by Meg Cabot
Little Bridge Island #1
Published: 24th September 2019
I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way affects my review.

Meg Cabot is a veteran author, and though I've only read The Princess Diaries I was excited to give her more adult work a go, but unfortunately, it ended up being quite a letdown for me. I loved the setting of Little Bridge Island, it was certainly unique and I don't come across many books set on islands, so this coupled with the storm felt like the perfect setting for some dangerous behaviour to happen! However, I wasn't expecting for the animal-based plot to be of such importance, and I felt the romance in this was honestly so lacklustre that I forgot it was meant to be building up. Whether this was a case of misleading marketing, or just a not-fully-fleshed out relationship, either way I didn't really enjoy this, and don't think I'll be continuing on with the series, sadly.
2.5 stars

Ana Maria and the Fox by Liana De La Rosa
The Luna Sisters #1
Published: 1st June 2023 by Piatkus
I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way affects my review.

This book really intrigued me prior to starting it; I'd heard a lot of buzz surrounding it and found the premise of three Latina sisters infiltrating British high society to be a refreshing and unique take on a classic Regency romance. I really appreciated how De La Rosa wasn't afraid to include the fact that ignorant opinions would be held towards the sisters due to their race, and yet still managed to make their inclusion feel completely plausible. I really enjoyed the dynamic between the three sisters, and could see hints of what will be to come in the sequels, presumably following Ana Maria's younger sisters and their respective romances. However, I did find the dual perspective within each chapter to make the story lag a bit at times, reading almost exactly the same thing twice, and the pacing of the relationship in this did feel inauthentic at times.
3 stars

Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan
Published: 6th June 2023 by Hodder & Stoughton
I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way affects my review.

This was such a nice, nostalgic read! I have heard really good things about Nora Goes Off Script, Monaghan's romance from last year, and this newest once is just as good from the looks of it. I've really been enjoying a first love trope in my romances recently, and I thought Monaghan wrote it really strongly here. Whether it was because I struggled to really ever root for Sam's fiance Jack, or because the chemistry between Wyatt and Sam was simply too strong, I found myself speeding through this in order to find out whether the childhood sweethearts would end up back with each other. I really enjoyed the pacing of this novel - Monaghan didn't use up too much space talking about Wyatt and Sam as kids, but skillfully referred back to their summer of love in order to show how they are meant to come back to one another. I loved Sam's family dynamic too, and honestly just wish for more!
4 stars

Horse by Geraldine Brooks
Published: 2nd June 2023 by Abacus
I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way affects my review.

I had heard nothing but good things about Horse prior to reading it, but knowing nothing other than that Brooks had won the Pulitzer Prize for a previous work, and so expected good things. The premise of this undiscovered prize painting of a racehorse really interested me, but unfortunately I would've preferred if this was the sole subject of the novel. The chapters focusing on the origins of the horse and its carers, and of Martha, the gallery owner who owns the painting of the horse, weren't my favourite. I understand that they provided great amounts of context to the story behind the painting, but I did find myself looking forward to Theo and Jess and their individual relationships to the painting and the horse. The brutal twist towards the end did provide the novel with a deeper layer to the story, and I will try more of Brooks' works in the future.
3.5 stars


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